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Frequently Asked Questions for Members

1. What is 100+ Women Who Care? Our founding members heard about the "100 Who Care Alliance", where individuals form donation groups to make a bigger impact. Karen Dunigan held the first meeting in 2006 in Jackson, Michigan. The group raised $12,800 in less than one hour for the Center for Family Health’s need to supply cribs for new mothers. Currently, more than 400 actively operating chapters are located worldwide, with several more under development.   


100+ Women Who Care, Powell River Chapter, is a volunteer-run group. We are made up of 100+ women who meet for one hour, three times a year. At each meeting, three non-profit organizations are invited to deliver a 5-minute presentation about their organization. At the end of each meeting, members vote for the organization that they would like to receive the funds. The organization that receives the most votes is the recipient for that evening.  

2. Who organizes the Powell River Chapter?  The group is made up of seven volunteers: Tara Chernoff (co-Chair), Julie Groshak (co-Chair), Lori Casparie (Donation Coordinator), Wendy Spreeuw (Treasurer), Cindy Villani (Membership Coordinator), Nancy Howlin (Presenter Coordinator), and Lynnda McNeill (Secretary). 

3. How are the funds raised? Each member commits to making a $50 donation per meeting; at the end of the evening, the organization with the most votes receives all of the donations  (except $300 from the organizing committee)*. Depending on the number of women who attend the meeting, this could mean up to a $5,000+ donation for the selected organization and $150 each to the other two organizations who present*.    

4. How do we choose which organizations will present at the meeting? When each member registers for 100+ Women Who Care, they nominate a nonprofit organization. Before each meeting, the organizing committee randomly selects three non-profits from this list. 

5. If a presenting organization is not selected as the recipient for the evening, will they have another chance to present? If a presenting organization is not selected as the recipient at the meeting, they will be put back into the 'hat' and will have another opportunity to be randomly selected to present at a future meeting. 

6. If a presenting organization is selected as the recipient, can they present again at another meeting? If a presenting organization is selected as the recipient at the meeting, they will have to wait two years to have the opportunity to present again. 

7. What should I bring to the meeting? Just yourself and your $50 donation!


8. How can I make my donation?  Donations can be made by e-transfer, cheque or cash. e-Transfers can be made to Cheques are payable to the organization that receives the most votes for the evening.  


9. What if I cannot attend the meeting? If you cannot attend the meeting, please e-Transfer your donation to, or send your cheque/cash to the meeting with a friend. You can also arrange to drop it off to Lori Casparie (Donation Coordinator) by emailing  

10. Can I change my nominated charity or organization? Members can change their nominated charity or organization at any time. Click here to update your nominated organization!

*the organizing committee's cheques (totalling $300) will be split between the two charities who are not selected as the main recipient that evening.



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